Hollywood Girls Club

About US

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The Hollywood Girls Club is a networking club for beautiful, intelligent, successful, women in or affiliated with the entertainment business. It was developed to empower women in the industry with the ability to work directly with other women in various different professional fields. The Hollywood Girls club provides a fun and safe environment designed to bring down the walls of competition and invite unity amongst women. Our mission is to give women a stronger voice in entertainment. Many women have been taken advantage of when feeling alone and vulnerable. We encourage women to value themselves so they can soar to their highest potential with a strong sisterhood of support and encouragement behind them.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Why We Created Hollywood Girls Club

Behind the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, the reality can sometimes be very dark.

Thousands of young women seeking success in Hollywood are exploited by predators and con artists because they don't know who to trust.

Imagine your sister, your daughter, or your best friend just moved to Hollywood to pursue her dreams. She's alone in a big city, approached by a well-dressed man claiming to be a big-shot producer. He throws money around, he talks a good game, he seems so legitimate.

But when he gets her alone, . He pressures her to sleep with him -- or with his friends. He says that's how it works in this town. You do what we want, he says, or we will make sure your career is over.

This lovely girl, so full of hope and dreams, doesn't know any better. Either she gives in to the pressure or she runs away frightened and confused, her soul scarred by fear and broken dreams.

This is just one type, of many situations that occur over and over in Hollywood. The predators are rarely caught. The victims keep their pain a secret, afraid to speak out.

The young women who come to Hollywood to follow their dreams are exploited because they have had no real way to defend themselves.

They have been divided and conquered.

Until now.

We created the Hollywood Girls Club to connect and empower women in the entertainment industry.

We believe that women who stick together, succeed together.

The predators and con artists can only take advantage of women if we are disconnected, disempowered, and uninformed.

But if we stick together, we can not only prevent bad things from happening, we can become a powerful force for good.

We can become more powerful than anyone has ever imagined women could be.

It's time women had an alliance.

It's time for the Hollywood Girls Club.

If you would like to apply to be a Hollywood Girls Club member, go to:www.hwgirlsclub.com

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